What is Hospitality Ministry?
Here at Spry Church we extend the loving hospitality of Christ to people, no matter who they are or where they’ve been.
Each week our Hospitality Team greets our church and community with warmth and a smile while helping guests set aside distractions so they can experience God's renewing presence at Spry. Whether its saying "hello," showing people the bathrooms, or checking in children, our Hospitality Team is a crucial part of how God moves at Spry each week!
If you'd like to be a part of our Hospitality MInsitry and serve as a greeter, usher, or as part of our Connection Center team, please contact the leaders below!
Get Involved
Help welcome our church and community weekly with a warm smile and a "Hello!"
Connection Center
Make guests feel at home, provide information on Spry Church ministries, and check kids in for children's church as a part of the Connection Center!
Food & Coffee
Do you like making coffee? Baking muffins? Buying donuts for everyone's morning sugar rush? Consider providing coffee or snacks during our 10:00 am Connection Hour.
Welcome worshippers to our sanctuary and provide all they need to experience God during our worship gatherings!
Laurie Snyder
Director of Traditional Worship, School St. Campus
Luke Harbaugh
Pastor, Pine Grove Campus