Join us this Sunday, May 19th, for Kingdom Come! Worship at 10:00am at Jacobus Community Park, 1 S. Pleasant Ave., Jacobus, PA 17407.

(This will take the place of our regular worship services in the church buildings.)


Church is not just a building. Church is about connection and community. It is the people of God connecting together to build and strengthen the Kingdom through Jesus Christ.

At Spry Church one of our primary goals is to help you get connected, not only with the church but with others in your community as well. Spry Groups are small groups that allow you to make deep connections with people that can result in long lasting friendships. God wants us to live life together. Life has more meaning when we can share it with others. Try any of our Spry Groups, there is never a commitment to go for any length of time.

**Everyone from both Spry Church campuses, as well as anyone from our community,
is welcomed to attend any of our Spry Groups.**

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