Church is not just a building. Church is a community that is connected and built together to grow in their love for God and neighbor through Jesus Christ. When the people of God connect in community, the Holy Spirit works powerfully to transform hearts and minds. So let's get connected!
Life Groups
At Spry Church one of our primary goals is to help you get connected, not only with the church, but with others in your community as well. Life Groups are small groups that allow you to make deep connections with people that can result in long lasting friendships. God wants us to live life together. Life has more meaning when we can share it with others.

Bible Studies
Along with Life Groups, there are seasonal Bible Studies which are open to all. If you are interested in joining a Bible Study, please contact the church office for more information.

Cancer Support Group
On the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm there is an open support group that meets at our School Street Campus for anyone affected by cancer (including patients, caregivers, and family members). Contact Linda Reid ( for more information.
Right Now Media
As we pursue Jesus together, we are committed to providing resources that will help you grow in your faith. Our church has created an account with Right Now Media for that very purpose. Right Now Media is a streaming library with more than 20,000 Bible study videos for leaders to share with their people. You can watch them anytime and anywhere from the convenience of your phone or computer for free!