
Our Mission


Love Jesus and abide in God’s presence.


Be transformed by the renewing power of the Holy Spirit.


Declare hope in Christ to all people.

Our Values

Passionately Focused on Jesus

We rest in the love of God and fix our eyes on the majesty of King Jesus. We are rooted in hope, driven by love, expectant in faith, and steadfast in prayer. Our lives are a passionate response to the gospel of grace, and we are formed by the peace and power of the Holy Spirit.

Deeply Rooted in Scripture

We stand on the timeless message of the Word of God. As we immerse ourselves in its life-shaping truth, we encounter the person of Jesus and grow in relationship with Him. We teach, train, and equip people to walk in biblical integrity and to embrace the unchanging authority of God’s magnificent Word.

Boldly Spirit-Led in Community

We rely fully on the Holy Spirit and, together, experience God’s restoring presence. We engage in Spirit-filled worship and embrace God’s promises with audacious faith. We are intergenerational, interdependent, and interconnected. We are unified in love and practice messy vulnerability in deep, transparent relationships.

Relentlessly Devoted to the Mission of God

We extend the loving hospitality of Christ to people, no matter who they are or where they’ve been. We serve graciously, care deeply, share boldly, give generously, and love unconditionally for the sake of God’s Kingdom. We reach new people with the hope of the gospel and welcome them into the vibrant spiritual life of the church.

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