Worship with us in person or online!

Spry School Street: 9am Traditional, 10:45am Contemporary

Spry Pine Grove: 9am Contemporary, 10:45am Contemporary


Live Online Worship: Sunday at 10:45am; then available on-demand at SpryChurch.com/live


Mission 2019: Guatemala

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What an amazing trip this year was! There are countless stories we could tell of how God moved in the lives of the team members, the missionaries, and the children at the home during this week. We hope to share these stories with you all soon (if we haven’t already) and would love to talk with you all personally as well to share our experiences and answer any questions. Most importantly though, we all want to thank you with overflowing hearts for your support. Spry Church is made up of people that care about missions and support mission work and we are humbled that so many of you gave financially to make this trip possible, prayed over us and the work to be done, and help grow our partnership with New Life Children’s Home there in Guatemala. Thank you seems too little to say but in all sincerity and humility, THANK YOU SPRY CHURCH!



Mission 2018: Guatemala

Guatemala 2018

In July of 2018 Spry Church returned to New Life Childrens Home in Villa Nueva Guatemala to continue the work there, build new relationships, strengthen existing ones, and had the pleasure of being a small part of what God is doing in this wonderful country!


Mission 2017: Guatemala

The Spry Church Team would like to thank everyone for your support through prayers, donations, and commitment to missions! Spry Church is a church committed to missions, both locally and internationally, and we are so thankful to be a part of this family of believers!

We spent 10 days serving New Life Children’s Home in Villa Nueva for the 4th consecutive year! It is an amazing opportunity to return to the same place, to see the same people, and invest in the same ministry on an ongoing basis. This year we were working on improvements to the boys’ dorms and the property at the home and school! It is also always so exciting to return to see the children and connect with them again! And we are excited to return in 2018!

Still we do not have to wait until the mission trip next year to help the ministry there in Guatemala! There are so many ways you can be involved throughout the year. One of the most important ways to get involved is through Child Sponsorship! Only $35 a month helps provide basic needs for children there in Villa Nueva and enables the ministry to expand. An exciting opportunity exists because we have the privilege of going to visit out sponsor children and invest in them directly on the trip and through email.

You can visit http://nlai.org/nlch/sponsor-a-child to sign up online to sponsor a child today! If you’d like you can talk with members of the teams who have gone and we would be happy to show you pictures and tell you a little about the children so you can find one that you connect with!


Other opportunities to connect with the work in Guatemala include collecting the following items:

  • Multivitamins with iron
  • Toothpaste
  • Socks and Underwear (various sizes and styles)
  • Lice Shampoo

Finally, the missionaries and house parents there have asked us to not forget the power and important work of prayer. Continue to pray for New Life Children’s Home, the School, the workers, missionaries and teachers there, and for the country of Guatemala.

Thank you again for the opportunity to represent Spry Church and serve our brothers and sisters in Guatemala!



Mission 2016: Guatemala

This year we had the honor of sending seven members of our church family to serve in Villa Nueva, Guatemala at the New Life Children's Home. The team made improvements to the school's gymnasium, helped prepare gardens for crops, dug out septic tanks for upgrades and new buildings to house more children, and built some amazing relationships with the children who live at the home. 

Thank you all for your support, donations, and prayers! It was truly a life-changing trip!




Guatemala Mission Trip 2015